Forum eikones, Rheinsprung 11, 4051 Basel
eikones - Zentrum für die Theorie und Geschichte des Bildes, Universität Basel
Fragmented Evidence: The Social Life and Death of Images

Images are core to the construction of evidence. Beyond having the function of straightforward proof and incrimination – recall the moon landing, or photographs of atrocities like Nazi concentration camps (Didi-Huberman) and Abu Ghraib (Sontag) – they more mundanely but no less impactfully sustain, advance and legitimize political and social projects, whether in medical history and anthropology but also military technological development and colonialism.
Images, especially photographs, are not straightforwardly indexical. We will depart from this commonplace understanding and privilege the optic of fragmentation and synthesis to better understand images’ role in constructing evidence: How do multiple layers of representation allow for different forms of visual processing? How is narrative cohesion produced from fragmented component parts? And more generally, how are historical and contemporary actors making theoretical and empirical claims on the basis of a fractured and limited body of evidence?
The workshop brings together an interdisciplinary set of scholars from the fields of anthropology, art history, media studies, political science and sociology to investigate questions of fragmentation, epistemic boundaries and synthesis across different semiotic systems. Our speakers present empirical work on issues as diverse as environmentalism, military technology, law enforcement, race, and artificial intelligence.
We will begin the workshop studying the material minutiae of fragmentation and synthesis and end on larger epistemological questions about the nature of representation. Conversational “lightning rounds” that bring together all participants and the audience around key questions and provide the ligature between the different panels.
Confirmed speakers: David Bucheli,Alison Gerber, Lila Lee Morrison, Aïcha Revellat, A.K.M. Skarpelis, Matthew Vollgraff, Stefanie Walter, Anne-Katrin Weber
Day 1
10:00 Coffee
10:30 Welcome & Introduction
10:45-11:45 Session 1: Nature, Nurture, Gesture: Debating the Heredity of the Expressive Body in 1930s Social Science. Matthew Vollgraff
11:45-12:45 Session 2: What is it like to be a Nazi? Racial Vision and Scientific Selves in German Portrait Photographic Practice. Anna Skarpelis
12:45-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Session 3: Fragmentation and Synthesis as linked processes in Hannah Villiger’s
work and writings. Aïcha Revellat
15:00-15:30 Lightning Round 1
15:30-16:00 Coffee
16:00-17:00 Session 4: Critical disfigurations. A prehistory of the text-based CAPTCHA. David Bucheli
17:00-18:00 Session 5: Modeling the truth: Inquiry and convincement in forensic visualizations. Alison Gerber
18:15 Apéro Riche
Day 2
08:30 Coffee
09:00-09:30 Lightning Round 2
09:30-10:30 Session 6: How do images of climate change and emotional responses vary across the world? A computational analysis of images shared by Twitter users. Stefanie Walter
10:30-11:00 Coffee
11:30-12:00 Session 7: “Machinic Landscapes: Aesthetic entanglements of nature and technology” Lila Lee Morrison
12:00-13:15 Lunch
13:15-14:15 Session 8: Creating Lunar Views: Simulators, Television, and the NASA in the 1960s. Anne-Katrin Weber
14:15-15:00 Conclusion and Send-Off.
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