Forum eikones, Rheinsprung 11, 4051 Basel & online
eikones - Zentrum für die Theorie und Geschichte des Bildes, Universität Basel
"Real Spaces" at 20

This conference commemorates the 20th anniversary of the publication of David Summers's magisterial Real Spaces: World Art History and the Rise of Western Modernism. This conference will assess the legacy of what remains one of the most ambitious attempts at developing a global framework for art history.
Speakers: Whitney Davis, Beate Fricke, Monica Juneja, Matthew Rampley, Jakub Stejskal, David Summers, Kamini Vellodi
To participate online, please register here.
Program (as pdf here)
9.45 | Welcome |
10–10.45 | David Summers Real Spaces and the Theory of Empathy |
10.45 –11.30 | Beate Fricke Objects Opening Horizons |
11.30–11.45 | Coffee break |
11.45–12.30 | Whitney Davis The Acheulean Hand-Axe: On Euclidean Artifacts in Visual Space |
12.30–13.15 | Matthew Rampley Refinement and Excess: The Limits of Interpretation |
13.15–14.45 | Lunch |
14.45–15.30 | Kamini Vellodi On Concepts and Art History |
15.30–16.15 | Jakub Stejskal Monsters and Monuments |
16.15–16.30 | Coffee break |
16.30–17.30 | Monica Juneja Ways of Being-in-the-World: Art History after Real Spaces; A Roundtable with David Summers |
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