10 Mai 2019 - 11 Mai 2019
09:00  - 18:00

Reinsprung 11, 4051 Basel


Kongress / Tagung / Symposium

Tagung: Truth and Logic of the Series 1850-1930

Conveners: Malika Maskarinec (eikones) and Petra McGillen (Dartmouth College)

Participants: Eva Ehninger (Berlin), Sean Franzel (Missouri), Malika Maskarinec (eikones), Petra McGillen (Dartmouth College), Katja Müller-Helle (Berlin), Madleen Podewski (Berlin), Ralph Ubl (Basel), Barbara Wittmann (Berlin), Patrizia McBride (Cornell University), Mario Wimmer 


Friday, May 10

13:15   Malika Maskarinec (Basel), Welcome&Intro

13:30   Barbara Wittmann (Universität der Künste, Berlin)

Oeuvres de J. A. Ingres: Posthumous Paintings of a Living Artist

14:30   Break

15:00   Mario Wimmer (Basel)

World History in Six Instalments: Ranke’s Universal History and Its Afterlives

16:00   Sean Franzel (Missouri)

Heine's Serial Histories of the Revolution

17:00 Break

17:30   Ralph Ubl (Basel)

Max Klinger’s ‘A Glove’

Conference Dinner for Participants

Saturday, May 11

9:30     Eva Ehninger (HU Berlin)

Formatting Truth. The Serial Logic of Early Portrait Photography

10:30   Katja Helle-Müller (FU Berlin)

Failing Sequence. Fotodynamism and the Knotting of Time

11:30   Break

12:00   Petra McGillan (Dartmouth)

Unreliable Reporters of the Pencil: Practices of "Illustrating" Current Events on the Threshold to Photography.


14:30   Malika Maskarinec (Basel)

Serial Erotics/Erotics of the Series: Gottfried Keller's Züricher Novellen 

15:30   Madleen Podewski (FU Berlin)

Spurensuche periodisch untergemischt: Wie die illustrierte Familienzeitschrift „Die Gartenlaube“ mit Theodor Fontanes                      Kriminalerzählung „Unterm Birnbaum“ Realität in neun Heften modelliert. 

16:30  Break

17:00   Patrizia McBride (Cornell University)

Serial Untruth: The Feuilleton and the Ornamental Image.

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